Physically educated students develop the knowledge, skills, behaviors and confidence to lead healthy and physically active lives.

PCPS teachers provide students with a high-quality education through sequential K-12 standards-based programs of curriculum and instruction. The instruction is designed to be engaging inside the classroom and extend outside of the classroom with a focus on the whole child.

See grade level requirements below:


Grade Level Requirements: 

  • Elementary: Section 1003.455, F.S., requires 150 minutes of physical education each week for students in grades K-5. A minimum of 30 consecutive minutes is required on any day that physical education instruction is provided.
  • Middle: Section 1003.455, F.S., requires one semester of physical education each year for students enrolled in grades 6-8.
  • High: Section 1003.4282, F.S., includes a one credit physical education requirement with the integration of health.

Statute 1003.4282 (f)

Need Help?

Tiffany Kitchens

863-647-4203 Option 3

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Water Safety Education

Each year, Florida loses more children under age five to drowning than any other state. Water safety education courses and swim lessons play an important role in saving lives.

Visit the Florida Health Polk County Water Safety webpage for information on education courses and swim lessons near you.

Read additional drowning prevention information provided by the Florida Department of Health.

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