The Parent Portal is a service offered to parents and guardians for accessing certain student records. The service allows parents and guardians to access information about ALL of their students through one convenient website. This eliminates the need to visit several different websites, make telephone calls or visit the school to access records and information.

View these instructions below:

Accessing Parent Portal

Creating an account

Attaching students who are enrolled in PCPS

Attaching students who are NOT enrolled in PCPS

Resetting your password


Access Parent PortalLog In

Access Parent Portal

If you have a registered Parent Portal account, visit and enter your username and password. Your username is the personal email address that you used when you registered your account.

A screenshot of the parent portal login screen for Polk County Public Schools

Create a Parent Portal Account

    1. Obtain a P.I.N. number for each of your students by visiting his or her school. This P.I.N. is unique to your student and only your student. Parents/guardians must show proof at the school in order to receive this unique P.I.N. number DO NOT share this P.I.N. number with others.
    2. Create a Parent Portal account, if you don’t already have one, by visiting and clicking “I DO NOT have an Account Registered on the Parent Portal.”
    3. The form below will appear. Complete the form and click the “Submit” button to register your Parent Portal account.

*Important Note: Your personal email address provided at the time of registration will become your Parent Portal username. PCPS employees must use a personal email address. Do not register your account with your email address.

A screenshot of the Parent Portal registration form. Please enter your name exactly as it appears on your driver license as well as a valid email address.

Proceed to the next section to attach your student(s) to your Parent Portal account.

Attach Student(s) who are Enrolled in PCPS to your Account

Visit and click the “I have an Account Registered on the Parent Portal but would like to ADD A CHILD” button as seen below.

Parent Portal screenshot depicting the location of the Add a Child button

Login into your Parent Portal account.

Select “I would like to ADD A CHILD who is already enrolled.”

Parent Portal screenshot depicted the location of the I would like to ADD A Child who is already enrolled button

Complete the form by entering the Student ID including the “5300,” the student’s date of birth, and the corresponding P.I.N. number that you obtained from your child’s school. When finished, click the box next to “I’m not a robot” and then click “Add Student.”

Parent Portal screen shot showing the student information form

After clicking “Add Student,” the screen will reload and information for that student will appear.

Repeat these steps to attach additional students to your Parent Portal account.

Attach student(s) who are NOT currently enrolled or have never been enrolled in PCPS to your account

During school choice application periods (open enrollment), parents may create a Parent Portal account and attach students who are not currently enrolled in PCPS. Please note: This option is NOT available until the school choice application period begins.

Create a parent portal account. NOTE: You will NOT need to obtain a PIN number for your student.

Log into Parent Portal.

On the left side of the home screen you will see tabs listed as Portal, School Information, Preferences, etc. Select the “Forms” tab.

Select the “Online Applications” box which will appear under the “Forms” tab.

Parent Portal menu depicting location of the Online Application button

On the next screen that appears, select the box titled “I would like to APPLY FOR ENROLLMENT for a new child.”

Parent Portal screen shot depicted location of apply for enrollment button

The enrollment page will now appear.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Please fill in ALL fields or your application may not be processed correctly. If you decide to save application for later, you must fill in the primary address and next year grade level before saving your application.

Parent Portal screen shot of new student application form

Welcome to Parent Portal

After attaching all of your students, you will arrive at the Parent Portal homepage. To view details in a particular category click on one of your students then select the category you wish to view.


A screenshot of Polk County Public Schools Parent Portal preference page.

A screenshot of Polk County Public Schools Parent Portal profile page.

Reset Your Password

Visit and click “I have Forgotten My Password and would like to generate a new one.”

Parent portal screen shot depicting the location of the password reset button.