On July 19, 2023, the Florida State Board of Education modified Rule 6A-1.0955 Education Records to include a section requiring written parental consent for the use of student names other than their legal names.
Rule 6A-1.0955 covers various aspects of maintaining student records in a way that seeks to protect the rights of students and parents. The following section outlines the revised language:
“Each school board must adopt a policy for educational records which must include…. provisions for parents to specify the use of any deviation from their child’s legal name in school. School districts will develop a form to obtain parental consent along with any required documentation, as appropriate.” Rule 6A- 1.0955(8)(m), F.A.C.
What this new rule means is that any deviation from a child’s legal name will require written parental consent. To be clear, this does mean that a parent or guardian must provide written consent for nicknames and shortened names.
This new rule goes into effect on Aug. 22, 2023.
Polk County Public Schools is providing you with a form (available at polkschoolsfl.com/backtoschool) that you must submit to your child’s school if you are allowing your child to use a name other than their legal name. We will accept forms through Oct. 31, 2023.
Schools will also have physical copies of this form available in the main office. New students will have 15 days from the date of their enrollment to submit the form.
This form will also be included in the back-to-school packet each year beginning with the 2024-25 school year.