For purposes of this Code of Student Conduct only, all references to “exceptional” students shall not include “gifted” students unless gifted students are expressly mentioned.:
Extracurricular activities are defined as those activities that are not part of the regular course of study such as club meetings, sport events, graduation exercises, drama performances, field trips, band and marching performances, dances, proms, etc.
Acceptable face coverings may include commercially produced or homemade cloth face coverings, provided that they cover the nose, mouth and fit snugly against the sides of the person’s face with little to no gaps. Coverings cannot be made of mesh materials or have holes. Coverings may be of any color or design as long as they do not contain markings which are offensive, suggestive, disruptive or indecent as described in unacceptable attire in the Code of Student Conduct. Gaiters, surgical/procedural masks, N-95 masks, homemade masks are all acceptable. Plastic face shields may also be used in conjunction with an acceptable face covering. Bandanas, mesh masks with holes or ports are not acceptable.
For purposes of this Code of Student Conduct, “parent” shall mean the parent or parents, or the guardian or guardians of a student enrolled in the Polk County Public Schools.
Any student who is placed in a juvenile detention facility, county jail, commitment facility, or substance abuse treatment program may re-enter the Polk County School System only after approval from the appropriate hearing officer.
For purposes of this Code of Student Conduct, “school employees,” “school personnel,” or “school staff members” shall mean and include school administrators, teachers, paraeducators, school resource officers, substitutes, secretaries, bus drivers and attendants, cafeteria workers, custodians, coaches, school volunteers or adult chaperones, and any other person authorized to supervise or monitor students.
A student’s locker, vehicle, purse, backpack, computer, personal communication device, and other personal possessions may be searched if there is a reasonable belief any of them contains drugs, weapons, contraband, or other items not permitted on campus. Trained sniff-screening dogs are allowed in the schools to prevent drugs and weapons. The routine checks by dogs are not considered a search by law. These are safety precautions to provide a safe and healthy school in which to learn. Strip searches of students by school personnel are prohibited. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to obstruct a law enforcement officer in the performance of his/her duty.
For purposes of this Code of Student Conduct, “student” shall mean a student or students in grades Pre-K through adult school enrolled in the Polk County Public Schools.