What is dual enrollment?
The dual enrollment program is an accelerated program that allows high school students to simultaneously earn credit toward both high school completion and a career certificate, or an associate or baccalaureate degree, at a Florida public institution. (s. 1007.271 F.S.). Specific dual enrollment courses may be offered on a high school campus, if a certified teacher is available to teach the course and enough students register for the course, or at some postsecondary campuses.
What are the benefits of taking dual enrollment courses?
- Benefits of dual enrollment include:
Academically talented students take college classes while still in high school.
- It broadens students’ educational opportunities and increases their depth of study.
- Dual enrollment is free (no tuition or fees).
- Students who successfully complete a dual enrollment course earn high school credit and college credit that may be transferable to other postsecondary institutions.*
What are the prerequisites for students who want to take dual enrollment courses?
- Students must have earned, and maintain, a minimum unweighted grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 to be eligible for academic dual enrollment.
- Students must meet the minimum required score on a common placement test adopted by the State Board of Education, which indicates that the student is ready for college-level coursework.
- Student eligibility requirements for initial and continued enrollment in career certificate dual enrollment courses include a 2.0 unweighted college GPA.
- Students must meet all other requirements indicated on the articulation agreement with the postsecondary institution (see links below).
Categories of Dual Enrollment
- Part-time dual enrollment (3-11 college credits per semester)
- Early admission (12-15 college credits per semester)
- Accelerated degree program (15-18 college credits per semester)
Articulation Agreements with the Polk County School Board
Contact your school counselor if you wish to access all the specific requirements in the post-secondary institution’s Articulation Agreement.
Available Options:
- Polk State College
- South Florida State College
- Southeastern University
- Warner University
Florida State Statutes
f.s. 1007.271(2)
…Students who are eligible for dual enrollment pursuant to this section may enroll in dual enrollment courses conducted during school hours, after school hours, and during the summer term. However, if the student is projected to graduate from high school before the scheduled completion date of a postsecondary course, the student may not register for that course through dual enrollment….
…A student enrolled as a dual enrollment student is exempt from the payment of registration, tuition, and laboratory fees.
f.s. 1007.271 (18)
School districts and Florida College System institutions must weigh dual enrollment courses the same as advanced placement, International Baccalaureate, and Advanced International Certificate of Education courses when grade-point averages are calculated.
Question and Answer Document provided by the Florida Department of Education
*Students should check with their high school counselor or the postsecondary institution they are interested in attending regarding the awarding of college credit for certain exam scores.