Books for Review at School-Level

Books Reviewed at School-Level

This state's policy for the selection of school library materials states that any parent, guardian, student with parental consent, community member, or employee of the district may formally challenge library materials used in the district's educational program. This policy further allows those persons in the school or the school community, who are not directly involved in the selection of library materials to make their opinions known. The focus of the examination procedure is to provide an open forum for making an informed decision. School personnel are expected to be courteous and advise the complainant to arrange a conference with the principal.

This information reflects Polk County School's 2023-2024 challenge process. To reflect and be in compliance with 2023-2024 FL Statutes this information is in revision and as of July 1 all current statutes are applicable.

Procedures for Challenging Library Materials

According to s. 1006.28 any parent or resident of Polk County may formally challenge library materials used in the district’s educational program. The focus of the examination procedure is to provide an open forum for making an informed decision. When a challenge is made, school personnel are expected to be courteous and advise the complainant to arrange a conference with the principal.  The school will follow the timeline, based on book availability and PCPS calendars (i.e. school breaks, holidays, and summer).   Books are reviewed in the order the Request for Examination of Materials Form is received. Only one book will be reviewed at a time.

Procedure For Examination of School Library

According to s. 1006.28 any parent or resident of Polk County may formally challenge library materials used in the district’s educational program. Books are reviewed in the order the State’s Specific Objection Form for School or Classroom Library Materials challenge is received.


  • State’s Specific Objection Form for School or Classroom Library Materials form is available on the PCPS webpage. The complainant MUST submit the form in person to the school where the book is located, along with a valid Polk County ID.
  • Once the school receives the official challenge form for a book currently available in the school collection, the book must be removed from the school and classroom library shelf within 5 days to comply with State Statute.
  • Should the material of concern be marked lost in the library catalog system, no further action will be taken.
  • Upon receipt of the Specific Objection Form for School or Classroom Library Materials the principal will notify their immediate supervisor and District Library Media Services that such a review has been requested. District Library Media Services will assist with the challenge process, locating additional copies of materials and professional reviews.
  • Library Media Services along with school level Media Specialist(s) will complete an initial review, taking into consideration complainants' concerns, state statutes, current ratings, circulation history, and professional reviews to determine whether to recommend book removal or continuation of the challenge. If the book is removed at this stage, the complainant will be notified, and no further action is taken.
  • If the book is recommended to proceed to the school review committee, the following procedures will apply:
    • If multiple schools receive a challenge for the same title, the school with the highest circulation of the title will conduct the school-level review, representing all schools. This school-level decision will stand for all in the county.
    • Media staff will notify their committee of the receipt of a challenge and provide the following materials to the committee for review:
      • Checklist for Material Evaluation
      • Professional Reviews and State Statutes
      • Book/Material
      • Specific Objection Form for School or Classroom Library Materials
  • The principal will notify their immediate supervisor and the complainant of the meeting's date and time in writing (Invitation to Complainant Form). The complainant shall be allowed to attend as a silent observer.
  • Communication with the press and other interested members of the community will be done through the PCPS Public Relations & Strategic Partnerships Department. Notice of the meeting will be published on the school district’s webpage.
  • At the meeting, the committee will follow the approved Agenda for Examination Request and vote using the district ballot.
  • The principal or their designee shall immediately convey the decision of the committee to their immediate supervisor, the complainant, and the Director of Library Media Services or their designee in writing.
  • All materials utilized in the meeting will be kept by Library Media Services department.
  • The Complainant Notification of Decision Letter is sent if the complainant is unable to attend the School Media Review Committee meeting.

District Appeal Process

If the original complainant wishes to appeal the committee’s decision, the principal will refer the matter to their immediate supervisor.
The Superintendent or their designee, but not members of the original library media committee, will then convene. This committee will consist of not more than fifty percent of the following:

  • Parents of students who will have access to the materials
  • Certified Library Media Specialist and English Language Arts Teachers
  • Lay persons knowledgeable in the area

Parents, students, and community members interested in representing their district and participating in the appeals process should express interest to school principals/Library Media Services. The District Review Committee follows the Procedure for Examination of School Library Material, based on book availability and PCPS calendars (i.e. school breaks, holidays, and summer). Books are reviewed in the order the appeal is received.

  • Chief of High Schools or Regional Assistant Superintendent or their designee receives the request for an appeal.
  • Library Media Services completes the Invitation to Complainant form advising the complainant(s) where and when the meeting will be held and inviting them to attend. The meeting will be publicly noticed on the district website as required by state statute.
  • The committee members will be notified of the meeting and provided the following materials:
    • Print and Digital Materials Policies and Procedures
    • Checklist for Material Evaluation
    • Professional Reviews
    • Book/Material Notification will also be provided on the PCPS website.
  • The meeting is held, and a vote is taken on the examined material.
  • The Director of Library Media Services shall convey to the Superintendent the decision of the committee.
  • The Superintendent or Superintendent designee shall notify the complainant in writing of the decision of the District Review Committee using the Complainant Notification of Decision Letter
  • The Superintendent shall present the report of the District Review Committee to the School Board.

Books for Review at District-Level
