Full-Time Students in Grades 6-12
All full-time students in grades 6-12 enrolled in Polk Virtual are required to carry the full six-course load. Exceptions to this policy are made in accordance with the school district's Pupil Progression Plan. Courses must be completed by the end of each semester. (The first semester begins the first day of school and ends in December, just prior to the holiday break. The second semester begins in January and ends in May, the conclusion of the school year.) Students are required to take the FSA and EOCs. These tests will be administered at the student's zoned school. Full-time Polk Virtual students will earn a regular high school diploma.
Part-Time Students in Grades 6-12
Part-time students may enroll in courses at any time, but must complete their course(s) prior to the end of each semester. (The first semester begins the first day of school and ends in December, just prior to the holiday break. The second semester begins in January and ends in May, the conclusion of the school year.)
Home Education Program Grades 6-12
Home Education students are also eligible to enroll in Polk Virtual courses. Parents may use the FLVS website to access transcripts and help maintain student records in accordance with Home Education Compliance Policy 1002.
Co-Enrolled Students in Grades 6-12
Students may participate in this program by taking any portion of their coursework online and at school. Students may also take additional Polk Virtual courses outside of their traditional six-period school day. This program allows students to attend public school for part of the day and take their remaining coursework online. The online coursework should follow the school district's Pupil Progression Plan and fulfill graduation and promotion requirements. Co-enrolled students earn a regular high school diploma from their zoned school and are permitted to participate in school-sponsored activities, clubs, and sports as any other student attending the school.
For more information, please visit pvs.polkschoolsfl.com or call 863-354-3999.