Parents of students throughout Florida have enrollment options available to them through a process called “controlled open enrollment.”

The Florida legislature passed a statute that allows students to request a transfer to another school besides their zoned school, including transfers to public schools in surrounding counties.

During controlled open enrollment, parents seeking additional choice options for their students can apply for placement in any school in the state that has not reached capacity and still has seats available. The goal is to promote and encourage parental involvement and ensure students have access to a school that meets their needs.

Need Help?

(863) 519-7600, Option 1

Application Timeline for the 2025-2026 School Year

The next controlled open enrollment window will open the first Monday in April thru the last Friday in April for the 2025-2026 school year.

COE is a statewide program that allows you to apply to any public school (excluding magnet schools) that still has seats open for next year.

Please note that if you are accepted to a school via COE, you are responsible for providing transportation.

Applications must be submitted online through Parent Portal. For more information, please visit or call 863-534-0500 x 370 or x 352.


How to Apply During Controlled Open Enrollment

Magnet, choice, IB, AICE or career academy programs are not included in Controlled Open Enrollment.

Applications must be submitted online through Parent Portal. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, one can be created by following the steps at

Parents of students approved for transfers through the controlled open enrollment window will be notified by email once the enrollment period ends.

For more information, call (863) 519-7600, Option 1.

Other Important Information

The timeframe to transfer out of zone is during the COE open enrollment window in the month of April, which is lottery based.

Other than that, the student must request a transfer through Pupil Accounting if the following conditions are present:

  • Serious hardship (death in the family, hospitalization of parent etc…)
  • Serious illness (would require a Medical Interrogatory packet)
  • Bully situation
  • New PCPS employee
  • DCF placement at non-zoned school
  • Military deployment
  • Superintendent approval

Approved applicants will be notified by email and shall have 10 days to accept

Important notes about Controlled Open Enrollment:

  • Transportation to and from the transfer school is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.
  • Student hardship transfer/placement is available for students within Polk County only.

IEP requirements cannot be guaranteed for students accepting a Controlled Open Enrollment placement.